Interview 4: Jeanne Preston Hawtin
Our interview with Jeanne Preston Hawtin was so much fun. She remembers chasing the milkman as well as joining her mom in the Spot Tower! Listen in to our interview.
Eps 30 Leithiser’s – enviable reputation for quality
Many residents today still remember Leithiser’s Men’s Shop of Havre de Grace. It was well known and respected for quality merchandise.
Eps 29 The Curious Story of Don, the Italian Greyhound
What’s the connection between Don, the Italian Greyhound owned by Anne Kelly of Havre de Grace, and Prof. Spencer Baird of the Smithsonian Institution in D.C. in 1881? Check the story from our ‘casual historian.’
Interview 3: Leon Grimes
Leon Grimes b. 3/30/1942 interviewed 2016: Leon has a wonderful sense of humor and tells of growing up Black in Havre de Grace with fondness. His grandmother was a key influence in his life. He remembers at the age of 23, while training to be a nurse, he came home...Eps 28 Havre Iron Co. – Iron Works
Sometimes dates and ownership can be a challenge. The history of Havre Iron Co. and A.P. McCombs is a good example. We’ll try to explain!
Eps 27 Local Campaign Buttons and more
With City of Havre de Grace elections coming up this May, we thought it was the perfect time to share a bit of the political campaign memorabilia of our ‘casual historian’
Interview 2: Cecil Hill, Sr.
Cecil Hill, Sr. (b) 8/10/1940 interviewed 2016: One of the exciting aspects of getting these interviews is that you always learn something unique about a person. Cecil loved growing up in Havre de Grace and really enjoys sharing the highlights from his childhood. His...Eps 26 HdG Coca Cola Bottling Plant
Col. Hebditch, J. Cecil Sale, Sr. and the Coca-Cola plant have a long history in Havre de Grace. But do you know about Capt. Hiram Stanley? Read a little more and enjoy local history with our ‘Casual Historian.’
Eps 25 Havre de Grace Smoking Ephemera
Smoking Ephemera can actually give us details about local businesses. Advertising on matchbook covers and ashtrays was very popular for decades.
Eps 24 Havre de Grace Hi-Steppers
The Havre de Grace Hi-Steppers was a Drum and Majorette Corps sponsored by the Havre de Grace American Legion – Jos. L. Davis Post 47. We’re still gathering information. Do you have any to share?
Eps 23 Have de Grace Funeral Home Oddities
Our ‘casual historian’ shares a few items from his funeral home collections. It’s interesting how many people are intrigued by such items. Visit George at Bahoukas and browse his Havre de Grace History MuZeum section.