The featured image shows the tiled sidewalk with the ‘Leithiser’s’ name in it. This location is at Franklin and St. John where Blue Heron Gifts is located today.

Leithiser’s History
Starting in 1904 Richard H. Leithiser and Joseph J. Simson opened a Men’s Apparel Shop in the Spencer building.
In 1912 Leithiser bought out Simson’s interest.
In 1918 Leithiser bought the entire building, expanding his business to half the entire floor area.
In 1938, he added a modern storefront.
By 1940, Leithiser increased his store 5-fold, using the entire first floor and adding a building in the back.

That’s impressive! And Leithiser’s reputation as the largest men’s wear store in Harford County, offering nationally advertised brands of men’s wear and achieving the enviable reputation for quality merchandising!

Check out our ‘casual historian’s‘ Stetson – yeah, a wee bit small but still classy!

Quality shoes were also sold at Leithiser’s with a complimentary shoe horn. One of the collectibles our ‘casual historian’ displays in his Havre de Grace History MuZeum!

Another interesting collectible from Leithiser’s is this keyring celebrating the 1969 Lunar Landing.

in Havre de Grace

You may have caught the address on the keyring that says 204 N. Washington St. If so, we discovered that Eldon sold the building to Francis and Katherine Bortz, who owned Shocket’s on St. John St. Shocket’s moved into the Spencer building and Leithiser’s moved to the Washington St. location, closing in 1972.
The keyring with the address is a perfect example of how a seemingly irrelevant piece of memorabilia can actually give us an important historical detail.

An Early Advertisement…
offering Radios, prompt and efficient service, and ‘easy terms’ to make purchasing a radio extremely easy!
Eldon Leithiser started in his father’s business when his dad took ill in 1923. He stayed until he closed it in 1972. In all, this highly respected business ran for 68 years – from Leithiser and Simson Mens Outfitters in 1904 to Leithiser’s close in 1972.
I was hurt playing football and was on my back for about three months and then when I was about ready to go back to school dad was taken with the flu. He was a couple of months before he was able to do anymore work. I worked in the store at that time and stayed there. I never went back to school. I stayed in the store and learned the business. That was back around in ’23. Then I stayed in the store until ’72 when I closed it for good.
from Eldon Leithiser’s Living Legacy interview
With Harford County Public Library
audio & Transcript available Here
Read more about this amazing Spencer Building on Marita’s site, Historic Havre de Grace.
Of course, our ‘casual historian’ is always looking for more memorabilia to add to his Havre de Grace History MuZeum!
Remember, don’t throw the Havre de Grace ‘stuff’ out when you’re cleaning out a home, settling an estate, or just ‘downsizing,’ without checking in with George. Don’t give him cause to cry!!!
Our ‘casual historian’ is always waiting for your stories and any memorabilia you may want to share.
Please SHARE these posts and SUBSCRIBE to his youtube channel.