Eps 21 The Measure of Havre de Grace

Eps 21 The Measure of Havre de Grace

Our episode looks at the measure of Havre de Grace through yardsticks and rulers – a fun collectible offering a bit of local history. Join our ‘casual historian’ at Bahoukas!

Eps 18 Canning and Merchant Tokens

Eps 18 Canning and Merchant Tokens

The use of canning and merchant tokens has a long history. In Havre de Grace, canneries gave tokens to their workers that could be used to buy goods or receive pay. Merchants also used them to encourage your return to their store.

Eps 9 Burns Bros. Carriages and more

Eps 9 Burns Bros. Carriages and more

Burns Bros. Co. and their respected carriage manufacturing is well known in Havre de Grace history. Enjoy this brief video and details from Havre de Grace’s casual historian.

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