Eps 54 Havre de Grace School Memorabilia
School Memorabilia is always fun and our ‘casual historian’s’ collection proves it. Check out this video as George shares some of the latest items added. Be sure to visit the HdG MuZeum in Bahoukas Antique Mall in Havre de Grace.

Eps 50 Advertising with Pens and Pencils
Have you checked your junk drawer, or maybe your desk drawer? Do you have a container of pens and pencils on your desk? More than likely, you have all three and many of the pens and pencils have advertising on them. Click the link below the quote for a brief timeline...
Eps 49 Discovering History through Vintage Gift Boxes
Have you ever considered that a vintage gift box just might be a clue to the history of a community? Listen to this short video from our ‘casual historian’ of Bahoukas’ Havre de Grace MuZeum

Eps 45 July 4th Celebrations – 1 of 3
July 4th celebrations have been popular in Havre de Grace at least since 1885! This video is the 1st of 3 to talk about fireworks, fireworks explosions, and parades in Havre de Grace. Achillo Fabrizio of Havre de Grace patented many pyrotechnics/fireworks back in the 1930s!

Eps 33 “Big Kid” and Toys and Games
Promotions for businesses and organizations are nothing new. Here are a few from our Havre de Grace MuZeum collection at Bahoukas in Havre de Grace.

Eps 30 Leithiser’s – enviable reputation for quality
Many residents today still remember Leithiser’s Men’s Shop of Havre de Grace. It was well known and respected for quality merchandise.

Eps 25 Havre de Grace Smoking Ephemera
Smoking Ephemera can actually give us details about local businesses. Advertising on matchbook covers and ashtrays was very popular for decades.

Eps 23 Have de Grace Funeral Home Oddities
Our ‘casual historian’ shares a few items from his funeral home collections. It’s interesting how many people are intrigued by such items. Visit George at Bahoukas and browse his Havre de Grace History MuZeum section.

Eps 22 Havre de Grace Banks and Banknotes
Did you know that First National Bank of Havre de Grace printed its own currency for 53 years? Did you ever receive a bank when you opened an account at a local bank as a youngster? Listen to our ‘casual historian’ share a bit of his collection.

Eps 21 The Measure of Havre de Grace
Our episode looks at the measure of Havre de Grace through yardsticks and rulers – a fun collectible offering a bit of local history. Join our ‘casual historian’ at Bahoukas!

Eps 15 Havre de Grace Seafood Festivals
Havre de Grace has offered great food and music at her Seafood Festivals since 1980. Learn a bit more from our HdG casual historian!