Interview 9: Discover the Joe K Trail

Interview 9: Discover the Joe K Trail

The Joe K or North Park Trail is a pleasant park for walking, jogging, hiking and biking. Add flora, fauna, archaeology and history for a very interesting park experience. Visit Havre de Grace soon.

Interview 4: Jeanne Preston Hawtin

Interview 4: Jeanne Preston Hawtin

Our interview with Jeanne Preston Hawtin was so much fun. She remembers chasing the milkman as well as joining her mom in the Spot Tower! Listen in to our interview.

Interview 3: Leon Grimes

Interview 3: Leon Grimes

Leon Grimes b. 3/30/1942 interviewed 2016: Leon has a wonderful sense of humor and tells of growing up Black in Havre de Grace with fondness. His grandmother was a key influence in his life. He remembers at the age of 23, while training to be a nurse, he came home...
Interview 2: Cecil Hill, Sr.

Interview 2: Cecil Hill, Sr.

Cecil Hill, Sr. (b) 8/10/1940 interviewed 2016: One of the exciting aspects of getting these interviews is that you always learn something unique about a person. Cecil loved growing up in Havre de Grace and really enjoys sharing the highlights from his childhood. His...
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