Eps 70 Stottlemyer and Schweers add to our Warriors Collection
Our “Casual Historian of HdG” can never have too many Warrior collectibles for his Havre de Grace History MuZeum. Check out latest additions. We have such an amazing community!
Our “Casual Historian of HdG” can never have too many Warrior collectibles for his Havre de Grace History MuZeum. Check out latest additions. We have such an amazing community!
Catherine Williams Burks is a most warm, gentle, and accomplished woman who, when she smiles, causes you to wonder what she’s remembering or the secret she might not share.
School Memorabilia is always fun and our ‘casual historian’s’ collection proves it. Check out this video as George shares some of the latest items added. Be sure to visit the HdG MuZeum in Bahoukas Antique Mall in Havre de Grace.
For at least a century, it’s always been an achievement to receive a Varsity Letter. Receiving one as a Havre de Grace High School Warrior is no different. Listen to our casual historian in this short video.