Our featured image is a blue chair given to the Inner Circle Members that attended the 2011 Charlie Daniels Band Concert at the Havre de Grace Seafood Festival.

In this episode, our ‘casual historian’ shares a bit of trivia about our Havre de Grace Seafood Festivals. They started in 1980. In 1985 Chuck and Lori Maslin took it over and it lasted until 2015.
The Susquehanna Wine and Seafood Festival began in 2021, presented by B-scene Events. This year’s event will be Sept. 23, 2023, and a portion of the proceeds will benefit local non-profits, including Soroptimist International of Havre de Grace.
Souvenirs from the Havre de Grace Seafood Festival

(Sorry, it’s challenging to get a good pic of a mirror!)

Band Souvenirs from the HdG Seafood Festivals
Oak Ridge Boys

The Oak Ridge Boys entertained again in 2013!
Ronnie Milsap Souvenir Glasses 2015

Also 2015 Ronnie MIlsap souvenir glasses for HdG Seafood Festival
Charlie Daniels Band

Our ‘casual historian’ George with his favorite souvenir – a folding chair included with the Inner Circle Members at the 2011 Charlie Daniels Band Concert at the Havre de Grace Seafood Festival. It’s his favorite beach chair!

Of course, George is always looking for other unique items for other festivals from our Havre de Grace history!
Yes, our ‘casual historian’ is always waiting for your stories and any memorabilia you may want to share.
Remember, don’t throw the Havre de Grace ‘stuff’ out when you’re cleaning out a home, settling an estate, or just ‘downsizing,’ without checking in with George. Don’t give him cause to cry!!!
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