photo of Kathryn Hill from her son’s, Cecil Jr, FB page
The second interview that we posted was with Cecil Hill. It only seems appropriate to post Kathryn Hill’s interview. They are an amazing couple and each, in their own way, brought much to our community. One of the interesting lessons in creating these interviews is learning that someone we think we know today quite often had a very different life than we imagine!

Kathryn Louise Schott Hill
b: 12/3/1937
interviewed: 10/11/2016
This is an early photo, in 2016 Kathryn and Cecil celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.
Kathryn Louise Schott Hill grew up in Cornwall, PA, and knows – yes KNOWS – farm life. She went off to Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC – a choice made by her parents after they perused a brochure. She taught Biology and Bio-Chemistry for high school students in Norwich, NY, and Havre de Grace and Aberdeen, MD.
I was the youngest of three. I was on the end of money too. Being on a farm, the cash came from milking cows. I helped my brother with these heavy cans of milk. We put it on a balloon tire wagon. It was made with hickory boards and was very strong. The tires lasted most of my lifetime. The boards broke and my father would replace them. It had a brake on it and you could ride down the hill. But we also had to take the cans to the road and put up on a stand.
from Kathryn Hill Interview
My brother would go and look up and down the road to make sure there were no cars coming. He didn’t want anyone to see his younger sister helping him carry these heavy milk cans across the road to the stand. It was funny. He said, “Now you stay here!” Then we’d hightail it across the road.
Kathryn had a hard but fun childhood. She loved school. She hated being teased by her brother. But in listening to her you realize that this childhood gave her the foundation for the many paths she took in her adult life.
On the weekends my cousins would come, we jumped rope. We played jacks. When the boys were around, we’d all play baseball. If they were in a good mood, they’d let us play with them. I wasn’t very good at it but they’d let us play. I always ended up on the other team because they knew I’d make outs. That’s okay. I was included.
What we did for fun from Kathryn Hill Interview
We’d play “upjinx” …. The same number of people on each side of the table, each side had a quarter and shuffled it around. Someone would holler “UPJINX” and you’d put your hands up in the air. Hopefully they can’t see it in your hand. You’d have to guess who was holding the quarter. If you guessed it, you got points.
She raised two fine children with her husband, Cecil. At one time, she sold life insurance and later became active in real estate and rental properties with her Cecil.
She continues to be actively involved with Soroptimists and many other community organizations, Kathryn may have come from out-of-state, but she adds a wonderful thread to the tapestry of our Havre de Grace community!

I related to so many of her stories including growing acres of tomatoes, living near Norwich, NY where she had her first teaching position, and moving a lot. I’m reminded once again that how we know a person is most often merely a glimpse of a full and interesting life.
She laughs when mentioning that she moved 10 times – yes TEN – in Havre de Grace! She also shares a great story that proves you shouldn’t make a woman angry – even if she is only in elementary school!
Each Wednesday we try to share one of the many interviews Ellie has collected. Enjoy!