The featured image is a brass ashtray sitting on a bean bag-type bottom (allows it to sit safely on the arm of a sofa) and advertises Currier Service Stations, which was for the gas pumps at Currier’s Livery location on Franklin Street.
Matchbook Covers and Ashtrays
Items related to smoking can be an interesting collection because we discover businesses and other information related to our local history. In this video below we’ll share a bit of George’s collection.
Our Philluminist Casual Historian
No, it’s not a ‘dirty word.’ The hobby of collecting matchbook covers is called phillumeny. George has the beginnings of an interesting collection of matchbook covers related to local Havre de Grace businesses and organizations.

Post Road Inn, opp. race track,
Havre de Grace MD

As you can see, the art and the message varied greatly. But these matchbook covers can give us a good deal of information related to local Havre de Grace history.

The following matchbook covers for Chesapeake Court Cottages that were located on Route 40 in Havre de Grace is an intriguing and informative piece of our local history.

Collecting ashtrays is equally interesting for the same reason – giving us information on businesses for our local history. Check out the phone numbers on these:

in Havre de Grace, MD
Because it’s advertising, some of these simple items can be unique, and artistic, and can include silly slogans as well.

As you’ve discovered, some of the seemingly mundane items you might have tucked away in a box somewhere really can give us another clue in discovering details of our local history.
Remember, don’t throw the Havre de Grace ‘stuff’ out when you’re cleaning out a home, settling an estate, or just ‘downsizing,’ without checking in with George. Don’t give him cause to cry!!!
Our ‘casual historian’ is always waiting for your stories and any memorabilia you may want to share.
Please SHARE these posts and SUBSCRIBE to his youtube channel.