This is the 10-year mark for our publication, 1998 – 2008. In that 10 years, I’ve seen businesses come and go. Some folks see that as a bad thing, but I think it’s both healthy and encouraging. First, I am a great believer in following your dream. Some folks give it a try and, for a variety of reasons, call it quits. Though it’s often blamed on improper funding, etc., I consider it a journey. Sometimes our dreams turn out to not be what we’re really searching for. But in America, we can give it a try!
We hope you’ll help us celebrate our 10th Anniversary by enjoying Havre de Grace as often as possible. Support our local shops and restaurants. Stay in one of our historic B&Bs where hospitality is their finest asset! Enjoy our festivals, parks, and waterfront.
In the meantime, allow me to pay tribute to the woman who made my dream(s) come true – my mom, Wanda Z. Mencer
Below are articles from this issue. If you wish to see the entire magazine, CLICK ON THIS LINK to download the pdf.
tribute_MOM_2008 Skipjack_captain_2008 spotlight_arts_2008 catfish_2008Take some time to visit our community and savor what our businesses offer. Remember that these hardworking, creative, business owners and their staff are the heart of America. They will help us hold our communities together, enduring today, while believing in tomorrow’s promise.