Originally shared in October 2011. The movie, Conspirator, John Surratt, William Nicholson Jeffers, Currier House B&B… and all connected to the Lincoln assassination.

We thought this might be an interesting interview to share over the Memorial Day weekend.
Following are a list of interesting resources, should you be intrigued to learn more.
FB/Conspirator Text of John Surratt’s Lecture Surratt site
SWATARA Booth and Tudor Hall Flight and Capture of Surratt
Law Library of Congress – Lincoln Returning the Last Conspirator
USS Jeffers – click on Wikipedia tab at top

A very special ‘thank you’ to Jane Currier for this interview and for a great deal more she has shared with Ellie and with George, our ‘casual historian.’
HdG Stories no longer has its own website or podcast. The blog posts can now be seen at https://bahoukas.net/blog for George Bahoukas Wagner’s Havre de Grace History MuZeum site. Enjoy!