To many locals, the building at 408 N. Union Avenue is fondly remembered as Pitcock’s Hardware. Of course, we now know it as Bahoukas Antique Mall. George has spent months researching not only various owners of the building/property since the late 1800s, but also a variety of businesses that operated out of this location.
In this 2-part video, you can enjoy the research and the fascinating details at your leisure. Scroll down for the 2nd video. YES – there is a lot of information here. But we think you’ll find it interesting to see this glimpse of Havre de Grace life through one building’s history!
Sanborn Maps
First, let us give a special shout-out to Paula Casagrande of BIG HOUSE SIGNS. Thanks to her amazing work, George has a complete set of Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps for you in the store – free for you to browse. These maps detail the type of structure, what type of business/dwelling, etc. They are invaluable in researching local history. THANK YOU, PAULA!
At the beginning of part 1, George discusses the history of 408 N. Union Avenue. We’ve cropped the info for you to follow in the Sanborn Maps.

Stop #6 on The Lafayette Trail
Lot 48 Sq 231 was sold by Stephen J. Seneca in 1894 to Lewis H. and Blanche Ascherfeld of New York.
In 1894 Mr Ascherfeld built a Music Store on the south side of this lot.
In 1902 Louis and Blanche sold the entire lot with building to Theodore Ascherfeld (1820-1905) and wife, Elise A. Hahn Ascherfeld (1834-1928).
In 1903, Theodore & Elise sold the north part of property (now 412 N Union Ave) to Stephen and Mary Healy.
Theodore died in 1905 and Elise moved to Baltimore shortly after that, where she died. She sold this property in 1919 to Elghie M. Pitcock (1885-1972) and his brother John H. Pitcock (1878-1960).
Sold by Elghie M. and Lela B. Pitcock in 1967 to Ralph A. and Lela P. Mentzer.
Sold by Lela P. Mentzer in 1988 to Fritz V. Sterbak.
Sold by Fritz V. Sterbak in 1990 to David W. Walden and Willa C. Gaitanis.
Sold by David W. Walden in 2005 to Old Chesapeake Properties LLC.
Sold by Old Chesapeake Properties LLC to Barbara and George Wagner (current owners)

The following news clippings state that the first office of Citizens’ National Bank located in Havre de Grace was at 408 N. Union Avenue – July 2, 1900. In less than a year, it would move to its new building at N. Washington and Green Street.

1885 Sanborn Map shows Lot empty
1894 Sanborn Map shows a Music Store Lewis H. Ascherfeld built L H ASCHERFELD’S, single story building
1899 Sanborn Map shows a second-floor added Dwelling/Apartment First floor vacant
1900 on 2 July this building was the 1st CITIZEN’S NATIONAL BANK until moving to N Washington St
1904 Sanborn Map shows a Photo Business which was REX PHOTO-ART Co (from News Paper ads)
1910 Sanborn Map shows a Hardware Store with out Buildings BOWDEN SPORTING GOODS and HARDWARE
1921 Sanborn Map shows a GARAGE & CARS aka SUSQUEHANNA GARAGE building added onto
1930 Sanborn Map shows a HARDWARE & PAINTS aka PITCOCKS HARDWARE building added onto again
1989 Fritz Sterbak, Investment Antiques and Collectibles
1990 David Walden and Willa C. Gaitanis it then became The Golden Vein Antique Center
2000 Carl York and Daughter Carla Derioser took over and it became OLD LINE ANTIQUES.
2008 Became Bahoukas Antique Mall and Beer MuZeum George and Barbara Wagner Owners
More details about ASCHERFELD’S MUSIC
Before the CITIZENS’ NATIONAL BANK opened at this location, it was L. H. ASCHERFELD MUSIC. Moving from the ‘Hopkins Blk,’ the original footprint was the front section of the present store.
The ASCHERFELD’S invited you to their new location – “The brightest in the town”
Following the bank’s brief location, the shop became REX’S PHOTO ART CO. You can see it in the 1904 Sanborn Map. Then George found these ads from 1903:
Havre de Grace March Music
Before we forget, Theodore Ascherfeld, composed the Havre de Grace High School March in 1896. He was a gifted musician and composer.
The Bowden Family operated a Bicycle Supply House in the area where Coakley’s Restaurant is presently located. They had a fire and subsequently moved to where the Masonic Lodge is located on N. Washington Street. Then in 1910, they relocated to 408 N. Union Avenue and operated the Bowden’s Sporting Goods and Hardware.

In 1919 Elghie and John Pitcock (brothers) bought the property and opened the Susquehanna Garage, a Willys-Overland dealership, one of the first car dealerships in Harford County. They sold Indiana Trucks, Willys Knight and Overland cars and served as the Willard Susquehanna Garage until 1925.

Pitcock Bros Hardware Store
Elghie and John, having closed the Garage, opened The Pitcock Brothers Hardware Store here in 1926. In the 1930s Elghie and John persuaded their brother, Charles E. Pitcock, to move to Havre de Grace and help them in the store.

After PITCOCK’S, this space was home to several antique businesses before George and Barbara Wagner purchased the building and opened Bahoukas Antique Mall and Beer MuZeum and Havre de Grace History MuZeum in 2008.