Eps 75 REALLY Fun Transportation

Funny Stories, Local Residents

Our casual historian of HdG has shared different modes of transportation in various blogs. He did a couple of blogs on the Burns Bros. Carriage Eps 9 and Eps 48. And he mentions the city’s trolley – The Tide.

But today he shares some ‘fun transportation modes and a couple of cute stories.

NOTE: How fitting that as George shares some fun transportation stories, the train goes by – impolitely interrupting. (chuckle)


an old sled found in a basement sold by Pitcock's Hardware (now Bahoukas Antique Mall)
An Old Sled sold by Pitcock’s Hardware

Most certainly many folks have enjoyed some great sledding back-in-the-day at Tydings Park!


Photo of Jeanne Baynes on her pedal car in the 1930s
Jeannie Baynes in the 1930s enjoying her pedal car at the end of Union Ave in Havre de Grace,
probably by the Tydings Park area

Bert’s Trike

Received from Mike Tarbert, this tricycle had a lot of miles put on it as Bert (a special needs gentleman) would ride it up and down Revolution Street and downtown Havre de Grace.

Our casual historian of HdG is going to be cleaning this up and including it in his local history muZeum at Bahoukas Antique Mall. It deserves a bit of TLC since he’s heard that Bert probably put 15-20,000 miles on this trike over his lifetime.

Do YOU have a photo of Bert on his bike – or any other information? You know, we’re always looking for the details and the stories. Our casual historian of HdG also mentions another man, Johnny, who also rode his bike around town. Plus we’re looking for a really good photo of Sammy bringing up the end of the July 4th Parade on his bike with the American flag. Have any photos we can scan?

Remember, don’t throw the Havre de Grace ‘stuff’ out when you’re cleaning out a home, settling an estate, or just ‘downsizing,’ without checking in with George. Don’t give him cause to cry!!!

Please SHARE these posts and SUBSCRIBE to his youtube channel.


Brochure pdf download

DISTRIX - mobile app
The Lafayette Trail App narrates the history of the City through the voices of famous citizens as you view their homes and businesses.  Meet residents from the past and see current and historic photos.  The tour is approximately 3 miles long, with 37 stops covering 57 properties.

  1. Download the Distrx app from your phone’s app store (Distx for Android / Distrx for iPhone) or access the QR code on the rack card (available at the Visitor Center at 450 Pennington Ave.)
  2. Ensure your Bluetooth and Location are turned on by checking under Settings at the 3 bars.
  3. Open the Distrx app which should take you directly to Havre de Grace.  If not, tap on 3 bars and “DISTRICTS.”
  4. Tap “Tours” and then “Lafayette Trail” to get started.

The Lafayette Trail is a self-guided tour of Historic Havre de Grace. The trail is a continuous 3-mile loop through the City indicated by sidewalk markings and “Walk the Lafayette Trail” signs posted along the way. You will see blue numbered medallions embedded in the sidewalk. These denote properties in the Lafayette trail brochure available at the Visitor Center, 450 Pennington Ave.


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