Eps 48 Havre de Grace MuZeum’s Holy Grail

Beginnings, Events, Holidays, Parades

George, our ‘casual historian,’ has been looking for a Burns Bros. carriage for many years. Putting the thought out there … then making as many connections as you can … and suddenly … the Magic of Serendipity!

Our casual historian is one very happy guy as he gets a peek at an 1896 Burns Bros carriage.
Our casual historian is one very happy guy as he gets a peek at an
1896 Burns Bros carriage.

That’s exactly how it happened. One day, Saturday – May 20, 2023, George received a most exciting phone call. A man from Delaware explained that he had a Burns Carriage, would he be interested!? Oh my, talk about a ‘kid at Christmas!’ George was headed to a family wedding in North Carolina the following day. So he answered that it was “on his way and I’ll stop by and take a look.”

Yep, you’ve guessed. He definitely wanted the carriage. It seems there was a tornado recently that took part of a barn roof off. The guys fixing it asked what to do with the carriage that was in the corner of the building and were told to set it by the trash dumpster. But somehow, they guessed it might be worth keeping and set it on the ground with a tarp over it.

Later, Mr. Cannon looked it over and thought it didn’t look bad for being over 100 years old. He located a museum in Kentucky that told him how to find the maker’s tag on it. When he checked, it was a Burns Bros. Carriage from Havre de Grace, 1896.

He then did a Google search and up popped the Burns Bros. video we published several months ago. He then called George. And George made a beeline for Delaware the very next day.

When George and Barbara returned from N.C. the following week, arrangements were made and the carriage was delivered. Oh my … talk about excitement!

A Clean-Restore

The fabric was in rough condition, but the leather could be restored. The carriage frame was in excellent condition for 125 years of age! George spent the next 5 weeks painstakingly cleaning, scrubbing, scraping, sanding, oiling, and polishing.

During that time he realized it would be really fun to have it in the Havre de Grace Independence Day Parade.

Another interesting ‘serendipity’ was finding a stuffed pony the Friday before the parade, just in time to add him to the float.

Next Task!

Our ‘casual historian’ knows where he’d like to display this amazing find in his Havre de Grace MuZeum area, but this will take some major shifting of displays. Keep watching for updates!

In the meantime, stop in and chat with our ‘casual historian.’ George is always ready to share a story or two but more importantly he is waiting to hear what you might have to share.

Remember, don’t throw the Havre de Grace ‘stuff’ out when you’re cleaning out a home, settling an estate, or just ‘downsizing,’ without checking in with George. Don’t give him cause to cry!!!

Please SHARE these posts and SUBSCRIBE to his youtube channel.


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DISTRIX - mobile app
The Lafayette Trail App narrates the history of the City through the voices of famous citizens as you view their homes and businesses.  Meet residents from the past and see current and historic photos.  The tour is approximately 3 miles long, with 37 stops covering 57 properties.

  1. Download the Distrx app from your phone’s app store (Distx for Android / Distrx for iPhone) or access the QR code on the rack card (available at the Visitor Center at 450 Pennington Ave.)
  2. Ensure your Bluetooth and Location are turned on by checking under Settings at the 3 bars.
  3. Open the Distrx app which should take you directly to Havre de Grace.  If not, tap on 3 bars and “DISTRICTS.”
  4. Tap “Tours” and then “Lafayette Trail” to get started.

The Lafayette Trail is a self-guided tour of Historic Havre de Grace. The trail is a continuous 3-mile loop through the City indicated by sidewalk markings and “Walk the Lafayette Trail” signs posted along the way. You will see blue numbered medallions embedded in the sidewalk. These denote properties in the Lafayette trail brochure available at the Visitor Center, 450 Pennington Ave.


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