The featured image is a collection of vintage Havre de Grace folding yardsticks from Chesapeake Lumber Co and Sears plus a ruler from Columbian Bank.
Rulers and Yardsticks
The history of promotional pieces goes way back – like back to the First President of the United States:
The first promotional item in U.S. History was a commemorative button made for George Washington in the election of 1789. A century later, a man named Jasper Meek of Coshocton, Ohio, became the father of promotional products as an industry.
from Effingham Daily News of Illinois

Whether a 6″ rule or a yardstick (3′), we’ve all had one or two in our homes and garages. Have you ever wondered WHY rulers and yardsticks have been used for promotions? Maybe this will help:
Back in the day, yard sticks were often used as promotional give-aways because they were long enough to contain an address, phone number and a catchy slogan. Besides being a useful tool around the house, yardsticks advertised businesses and endorsed political candidates.
Havre de Grace Measures

Our ‘casual historian’ has started his collection of rulers and yardsticks. (Of course, he is always looking to add more!) We’ve learned they can carry names of companies, logos, addresses and phone numbers, even slogans. They often came in different colors. Having a container of yardsticks in the corner of a room can be an interesting visual for decorating.
As in all things vintage, there are many collectors of rulers and yardsticks.

Advertising yardsticks have always been a useful means of advertising. Automobile agencies, lending institutions, politicians, livestock companies, lumber companies, etc. have used yardsticks to promote sales or elections. One such company was Bob Stofer Oldsmobile and Cadillac Sales. Bob chose the thicker variety as his style. Some companies gave away ones that were four feet long to stand out from other companies. I even have one that is 7.5 feet long. These were used by carpet layers because they were the length of one-half of a 15-foot carpet roll.
from Effingham daily news

If you have any memorabilia you’d like to share with George, our ‘casual historian,’ stop in and chat with him.
Remember, don’t throw the Havre de Grace ‘stuff’ out when you’re cleaning out a home, settling an estate, or just ‘downsizing,’ without checking in with George. Don’t give him cause to cry!!!
Our ‘casual historian’ is always waiting for your stories and any memorabilia you may want to share.
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