This was the year Havre de Grace celebrated becoming an Arts & Entertainment District and part of the Main Street Program. As a result, we moved from our tabloid publication on offset paper to a full-color, glossy magazine. We wanted to highlight the arts in proper fashion.
It was scary because the advertising rates tripled due to the production costs. Many told me that it wouldn’t work. But it did! And I can’t thank the advertisers enough for their support. Our beautiful downtown is blossoming with new energy brought by the recognition of our talented community through artists, writers, performers, theater, and so much more. It’s an exciting time.
The distinction of being one of Maryland’s Art & Entertainment Districts fits nicely with the new energy and ideas from the Main Street Group that supports the businesses. Keep watch for the changes, additions, and excitement as you stroll our city streets. Be sure to say ‘hi.’ Our community welcomes you – visitor and resident alike!
Below are articles from this issue. If you wish to see the entire magazine, CLICK ON THIS LINK.
11ways_2006 Janice_Frederick_2006 Joe_K_Trail_2006Small communities are much more nimble than you might think. Our Lockhouse to Lighthouse and Havre de Grace Magazine publications highlight their creative adjustments to everchanging times. Take a step back and marvel at the energy!
I believe that, although businesses frequently change, it’s a testament to the dreamers who want to go for it. Some won’t last long. But often for different reasons than the Small Business Administration might offer. Yes, money – or lack thereof – can be a reason often cited. But I’ve learned that it is quite often secondary to the realization that the time involved is much more than they expected, or that their passion doesn’t always satisfy when it becomes the ‘job.’
But each new business adds a bit of energy to the community and reminds present businesses of the enthusiasm they had when they first opened. Here’s to your ‘pursuit of happiness.’