This issue from winter 2002 shares stories of new businesses, visitors from China, Sci-Fi comes to Havre de Grace thanks to Washington Street Books, and an interesting article from Kay SIsk of Texas who shares her love of old books.
Page Article
2 Welcome to the Havre de Grace Experience
New Visitors Center Hosts Chinese Delegation
5 15th Annual Duck Fair
6 Bike4BreastCancer
7 Did ‘ya know about Mules?
8 What’s New In Town?
Calendar of Events
10 Calendar of Events cont./MAP
12 2nd Havre de Grace Historic Video Released
13 CityScapes
14 Playfulness at MacGregor’s…
15 Music Travels to HdG Thanks to Freedom Road Productions
16 Sci-Fi Comes to Havre de Grace featuring Jack Chalker (author), and Yoji Kondo (author and scientist).
17 Why Am I Doing This? from writer Kay Sisk of Texas, sharing her thoughts on antiquing and, especially, about her love of musty shelves and old books.
Celebrate 175 Years of LIght – Concord Point Lighthouse and Lightkeeper’s House
18 A-Tours: learn about the freedom seekers of the Underground Railroad and several other tours offered by this business.
19 Tourism Survey (and updates)
You are encouraged to read the blog posts that will highlight each edition. Get a glimpse of our business community, our many events, parks, and museums, and discover the ARTS in Havre de Grace. Enjoy the changes over the years and appreciate all who have made it possible.